Cribbage Board Showcase
Cribbage is a classic game that can be traced back to the 1700's. There are many different types of boards out there. There are even many electronic versions where you can play against other players online or against a computer. But what if you want to play with another person, you have your own cards, and you want to be able to do that anywhere? This project solves that use case.
Cribbage Board is simply that, a board to keep score in your own game of Cribbage. It is a progressive web app so you can install it to your computer or mobile device and have it anywhere you go. The controls are intuative and keep the board font and center. There are also serveral options to change the experience including themes and cotrol orientations. There is even a scoring cheat sheet in the menu as well as a link to the rules of play in case you need a reference.